Volume 38 — Fall 2020
Subruit Haec Aevi Demoliturque Prioris Robora
Angelic Choirs in Naples: Seventeenth-Century Convent Churches
by Helen Hills
Viollet-le-Duc, The Hôtel Dieu, and the Vincentians: The Transformation of the Parvis of Notre-Dame
An Architecture for the Poor
The Soul of a Church
by Dom Benedict Nivakoff, O.S.B.
The Newman Guide to Communal Worship
by David Mills
Book Reviews
The Cross: History, Art, and Controversy
Robin M. Jensen
reviewed by
Gretchen Buggeln
Rudolf Schwarz and the Monumental Order of Things
ed. Adam Caruso and Helen Thomas
reviewed by
Steven Schloeder
The Chapel of Saint John the Baptist in the Church of São Roque: The Commission, the Building, the Collection
ed. Teresa Leonor M. Vale
reviewed by
José Cornélio da Silva
Temples and Tombs: The Sacred and Monumental Architecture of Craig Hamilton
Ellis Woodman
reviewed by
Thomas P. Boyle
South Carolina’s Sacred Spaces: Seventy Churches and Temples that Helped Shape the State’s History and Culture
Bill Fitzpatrick
reviewed by
Ralph Muldrow